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  • Writer's picturerobertken

Week 4

At this point it is just simply adding to the list of VM images my runtime supports, of course each are carefully tested too. I added Hyper-V support for both 18.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS and finalized the VirtualBox image for 18.04 LTS. Hyper-V is the virtualization that is built into Windows and is a level 1 hypervisor (VirtualBox is a level 2). Being a level 1, Hyper-V actually uses a hypervisor to virtualize your VM and the Windows OS itself, a special version of the Windows OS though. A level 2, like VirtualBox, is a hypervisor that runs on top of another OS. Unfortunately, you cannot use a level 1 while using a level 2, i.e. if you are running Hyper-V you can't run VirtualBox.

Having a Hyper-V image for HPCC Systems Platform will be a great addition because Hyper-V comes with windows now and is a widely used virtualization technique.

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